
Sealevel Attacks


Program Code


In some cases, you want to ensure your instructions aren't accompanied by other unexpected ones.

For example, if you want to close an account, you want to ensure that no instruction after you close it is reopneing it.

We'll show a simple example how to allow only specific programs to accompany an instruction.

  • For ease of use we use Allowed PDA with no constraints on the Signer, in a real program will need to have a more strict mechanism to set the allowed programs.

One Instruction Only

Here we allow only the current instruction to be executed.

We're confirming both that our instruction index is 0 and that we only have 1 instructions in total.

We start by passing the instructions account.

#[account(address = sysvar::instructions::id())]
instruction_sysvar_account: AccountInfo<'info>,

Extracting the current instruction index.

let current_index = load_current_index_checked(&instruction_sysvar_account)?;

Next we extract the total number of instructions.

read_u16(&mut current, &**data)

And finally we assert both requirements.

require!(current_index == 0, Errors::ExpectedInstructionToBeZero);
require!(num_instructions == 1, Errors::ExpectedOnlyOneInstruction);

Allowed Only

Here we iterate all the instructions being passed and check each is included in allowed programs.

We start by extracting the number of total instructions.

read_u16(&mut current, &**data)

Next, we iterate all the instructions.

for index in 0..num_instructions

For each instruction we assert that it's in our allowed programs.

if !allowed.allowed.contains(&instruction.program_id) {
    return Err(Errors::ProgramNotAllowed.into());


Closing Accounts