

Job Board - Convention over Configuration

Program Code

Directory Structure

  • Error Codes
    • All errors in this module
  • States
    • All states (PDAs) , each file contain one PDA
  • Utils
    • Utility functions
  • Instructions
    • A directory of instructions for each state (PDAs) with the related instructions


Store bump on the PDA to avoid passing it around.

#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct Applicant {
    pub wallet: Pubkey,
    pub bump: u8,
    pub name: String,
    pub email: String,
    pub resume_link: String,
    pub contact_via_email: bool,
    pub contact_via_wallet: bool,

Store the PDA seed prefix and size as static variables.

Also annotate each size with the origin for easier readability, use std::mem::size_of if possible.

impl Applicant {
    pub const PREFIX: &'static str = "APPLICANT";

    pub const SIZE: usize = 8 + /* discriminator */
        std::mem::size_of::<Pubkey>() + /* wallet */
        std::mem::size_of::<u8>() + /* bump */
        64 + /* name */
        64 + /* email */
        128 + /* resume_link */
        std::mem::size_of::<bool>() + /* contact_via_email */
        std::mem::size_of::<bool>() + /* contact_via_wallet */
        100 /* padding */
    /* rest of file */


Taken from apply_to_job_listings .

One instruction per file, with file name, function name, context and arguments all keeping the same name.

#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub struct ApplyToJobListingArgs {
    pub are_you_sure: bool

#[instruction(args: ApplyToJobListingArgs)]
pub struct ApplyToJobListingContext<'info> {
    /* accounts */

pub fn apply_to_job_listing(
    ctx: Context<ApplyToJobListingContext>,
    args: ApplyToJobListingArgs,
) -> Result<()> {
    /* function implementation */

The seeds taken from the Application::PREFIX and bump from applicant.bump.

Also, try and use constraints like has_one as much a possible to protect against malicious inputs.

    seeds=[Applicant::PREFIX.as_bytes(), &applicant.wallet.to_bytes()],
    pub applicant: Box<Account<'info, Applicant>>,


  • PDAs
    • All PDA getters in one file.
  • Tests
    • At least one test per instruction, easy to make sure proper coverage and easily copy tests to front-end and just replace Keypair signing with wallet signing.
Non-custodial Escrow